The Christian Academic Association (CAA) is a nationwide non-governmental organization uniting students and young university graduates from all Universities who identify themselves with the values found in the Holy Bible.

ChSA is a mission initiative from students among students. Its main purpose is to spread the Good News and to motivate and invest in students so that they can be witnesses of Jesus Christ on university campuses. We want every student in Poland to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have the opportunity to relate to it. We try to help young people in their spiritual and intellectual development; we want to build in students and graduates an awareness of the fact that they have an impact on our reality and our country.


If you are looking for new challenges, you want to gain experience working with students and graduates ... join us!

We are looking for volunteers who, together with the ChSA team, will work with students and young graduates. We are looking for people with passion and fresh energy who have a desire to lead young people to Christ, support them in the process of their spiritual growth and encourage them to preach the gospel in their environment.

The basis of our activity is the commitment and work of volunteers. Their contribution and active work play a key role in achieving the ChSA's goals and mission. Enthusiasm and satisfaction coming out of our common work are our strength and foundation. Join us to contribute the activity of ChSA with your own ideas that we can implement together!

If you want to become a volunteer of the ChSA, please contact us at: biuro@chsa.org.pl


  • The 70’s 

    The Christian Academic Association was officially registered in 1989. However, its origins date back to the 1970s, when in Katowice a group of students met to study the Bible every week, on the initiative of Henryk Wieja, a student of the Medical Academy. At that same time representatives of the IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) movement from Great Britain were contacted. In the late 1970s, Mirek Pieszka became the leader of the Katowice student group and later on the President of the ChSA Board.
  • The 80’s 

    In the 1980s, IFES representatives Jon Neall (Great Britain) and Hansjörg Wennesland (Norway) regularly visited Poland. They were pioneers of IFES in Central and Eastern Europe. The idea of creating a national student Association was first presented by Mirek Pieszka at a winter camp in 1987. This idea was enthusiastically received by students who then represented seven universities from all over the country. Two years later, the seemingly impossible idea had become reality.
  • 1989 

    In 1991, at a World Assembly (USA) international conference, the Christian Academic Association was officially accepted into the IFES family. The 1990’s abounded in many different ChSA activities throughout the country, including regular weekly Bible study groups at colleges, developing evangelism and discipleship programs, training for leaders, and many, many other projects. ChSA started publishing its activities through the creation of a student magazine "mGr" and the translation and publication of many books. Also at that time, two new strategic areas were launched: ministry to high school students and international students. Among the first generation of ChSA employees were, among others: Czesiek Czudek, Paweł Gumpert, Karen Schnorr (delegated from IVCF / USA), Lea Kjeldsen (from KFS Denmark), and many other wonderful Polish and foreign employees and volunteers. The ChSA has always been actively working for the society and the church. The overriding goal of all our initiatives was invariably the idea of formation and investment in the lives of students, so that after graduating from university and on in their entire future life they would salt and light, and thus have an impact on their environment and their surrounding reality.
  • 1999 

    At the end of 1999, Ewa Pieszka became the Director of the ChSA. Under her leadership, the ChSA continued to grow and evolve from a pioneering movement to a stable active role as an official non-governmental organization (NGO).
  • Summer 2011 

    In the summer of 2011, ChSA hosted the international conference IFES World Assembly 2011 (Krakow). About 700 delegates from almost 150 countries around the world visited Poland for the occasion.
  • Fall 2011 

    In October 2011, Darek Bigosz became the Director of the ChSA. Since then, the Association has carried out a number of projects related to evangelization and training of leaders. Activities included the leading of the Teo Test, Mark Drama and the Student Alpha Course.
  • We have 25 years!

    In 2014, ChSA celebrated its 25th anniversary!
  • New Project: UNCOVER JOHN

    New Project: UNCOVER JOHN At the end of 2015, a new project began - Uncover John, an amazing Bible study used with great success all over Europe.